Foreign-language articles on Handwriting Analysis, Handwriting Expertise and Graphotherapy
Good to know
- Find the current English issue under this link.
- Find the current German issue under this link.
- ISSN der GraphologieNews: 2616-7344⎟ISSN of GraphologyNews: 2616-7344
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Yury Chernov and Marie Anne Nauer: „Handwriting Research. Validation & Quality”. A new book - Edition 04_2018 (Size 107 KB) - English
Klara Leclercq Backes: National Handwriting Association Day in London in June 2018 - Edition 04_2018 (Size: 45 KB) - English
Angelika Burns: Jean Batten. The Glamorous and Pioneering Pilot of the Thirties Edition - Edition 02_2018 (Size 6.1 MB) - English
Claudia Dander: Metodologia Grapfologica Morettiana e Tedesca a Confronto pubblicatio in "attualità graphologica no. 131" (Size: 824 KB) - Italian/Italiano
Landau, Shaike: Michon and the Birth of Scientific Graphology - Edition 03/04_2016 (598 KB) - English
Hárdi, Dr. István: Graphology in Psychiatry - On Dynamic Examination of Drawings - Edition 11/12_2015 (4.6 MB) - English
Ploog, Dr. Helmut: Romy Schneider im Spiegel ihrer Handschrift - Edition 01-02_2012 (Größe 1,7 MB) - Deutsch/Français
- Ploog, Dr. Helmut: Das Formniveau aus deutscher Sicht - Le Formniveau selon vue allemande - Edition 06_2010 (Größe 725 kB) - Deutsch/Français
Cristofanelli, Pacifico: Aneinandergedrängte Buchstaben - Edition 01_2010 (946 KB) - Deutsch/Italiano
Only available in the book Graphologisches Serie 1: Naftali, Michal und Druckman, Gil: Veränderungen in der Handschrift aufgrund von Coaching - Changes in handwriting due to coaching - Edition 02_2009 (Größe: 3 MB) - Deutsch/English
Bradley, Nigel: Graphologie & Gedächtnis - Edition 10_2008 (Größe 84 KB) - Deutsch/English
Samuleit, Sulamith: Gibt es typische Entwicklungsmuster in der Pubertät? / Are there typic patterns of development in puberty? Edition 07-08_2009 (Größe 2.4 MB) (deutsche Version / english version)
Events & Activities
Interlab proficiency testing in handwriting analysis: Scientific quality assurance and the evaluation of graphology, handwriting expertise and grapho training by establishing of accuracy during comparative and repeated testing. Join in! All information here!
"The British Academy of Graphology" (BAOG) runs regular seminars and workshops. The seminars, presented by experienced graphologists from the UK and abroad, are an important addition to the BAOG curriculum as they offer a rich understanding of the subject. Please click here for more details on current seminars and workshops.
Grafologia e... dintorni: È un portale non solo per la grafologia, ma anche per discipline correlate e complementari come pedagogia, giurisprudenza, risorse umane, psicologia, criminologia. Oltre a seminari e workshop, ci sono anche articoli interessanti.
Events, corses and workshops at the British Institute of Graphologists are presented here.
If you would like to publish your seminar, congress or event in the area of handwriting analysis, handwriting expertise and graphotherapy please send us an e-mail. With pleasure and for free we will publish your event with relevant information and links in the event section.